Do You Need An Independent Workplace Investigation?
If complaints of unlawful harassment, discrimination or retaliation have been raised against your business, as an employer, you are required to promptly and thoroughly investigate these allegations and take effective corrective action when appropriate. An investigation that is sensitive to the individuals involved can go a long way toward avoiding a lawsuit.
At Davis*Gavsie & Hakim, LLP, our Los Angeles Workplace Investigations attorneys have ample experience handling sensitive matters. We discreetly interview the complainant, the witnesses and the accused while considering the relevant documents, e-mails and other related items. We then can prepare a report of our findings, recommendations and conclusion. These documents may be used in court.
For the employers looking to proactively protect their business and foster a positive working environment, we also provide Anti-Harassment Training, Ongoing Advice and Counsel, and Employee Handbook Preparation.
Based in Santa Monica, our Beverly Hills employment law attorneys have more than 40 years of combined experience and serve California by working exclusively with workplace law issues. Its complexities require unique strategies and fact finding that our focused attorneys can successfully handle.
We do not pass off our clients to a paralegal or assistant. We understand that our potential clients need speedy answers to urgent questions. We make it a priority to return calls and e-mails within one business day. Before you take any action, call our experienced lawyers.
Contact Davis*Gavsie & Hakim, LLP, For More Information
To learn more about the intricacies of workplace investigations, call our lawyers at Davis*Gavsie & Hakim, LLP. Our office is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. We speak Farsi. Call 310-955-4724 for a free phone consultation or complete the form below for more information.