In recent years, discrimination and harassment has become an important topic among employers and employees. Employers do not want to have their employees discriminated against or harassed but unfortunately it still occurs. Having updated anti-harassment policies can...
Sexual harassment is common among fast food workers
Women and men are coming forward in California with stories of sexual harassment with more and more frequency thanks to the increased awareness of sexual harassment due to the #metoo movement. One industry that has historically high levels of sexual harassment is the...
Business accused of not taking sexual harassment seriously
A restaurant and entertainment facility in Riverside County is facing legal allegations that it failed to protect teenage female employees from sexual harassment. One allegation is that a patron of the restaurant sexually assaulted a server and made lewd suggestions...
Why is it important to have, and enforce, a harassment policy?
Although it unfortunately does happen, few managers themselves would engage in behavior that would be considered sexual harassment. Likewise, other supervisory personnel may be too scared, or too clever, to outright punish an employee for not consenting to sexual...