It can be hard to believe that discrimination in the workplace is still such a significant issue in today’s society. Many states, California included, have made great strides in addressing this problem, yet it remains a concern. So, what are your options when...
Fighting for your company in employment law litigation
Any company or organization in California that finds itself embroiled in litigation likely finds the effort to be a drain on resources. But, when it comes to allegations of employment law violations, fighting back and doing so in a steadfast manner may be the only...
Understanding the California Family Rights Act
There may come a time when an unexpected event requires you to take an extended period off work. You may sustain an injury or develop an illness, or you may need to take care of a sick or injured child or family member. Sometimes, these occurrences require more time...
Are you complying with sexual harassment training laws?
California is one of the few states that requires private employers to conduct sexual harassment training for all employees. All public employers, and private employers that do business in California and have 50 or more employees must provide sexual harassment...
What is wrongful termination?
California, like most states, allows at-will employment where employers have wide discretion to terminate employment. But there are situations where firing an employee is illegal. Employers may private lawsuits and government investigations and legal action. Wrongful...