A challenging economy has affected businesses in California and across the country, and many have faced closures, bankruptcy, or vastly reduced output in order to survive. The effect this has had on the workforce, however, has been to make many people distrustful of...
Overseeing unscheduled telecommuter hours
Many businesses in Los Angeles and across the country have adapted to a hybrid work environment that includes unprecedented numbers of employees who work remotely part-time or always from home. Since being able to track these workers’ nonexempt hours can be...
Personal liability and wage-and-hour violations
California has strict wage-and-hour laws, protecting workers who have been illegally denied overtime pay, misclassified or otherwise shortchanged by their employers. These workers can file suit against their employers, seeking return of their lost wages. One...
California law offers protections to warehouse workers
Online shopping has become a huge part of our lives, especially over the past year and a half. But, while the shopping experience now seems as simple as clicking a button on a website, the logistics of getting products into the hands of consumers depend on individual...
Understanding retaliation in the workplace
As an employee in California, you are afforded certain rights and protections under federal and state employment laws. When an employee engages in a protected activity such as filing a complaint relating to illegal activities in the workplace, and an employer takes...
What is wrongful termination?
Getting fired or let go from a job can be a difficult experience for an employee, especially one who feels that the termination is not warranted. As much as we would like to think that all firings are lawful, the truth is that some employers fire employees for illegal...
Were you placed on the ‘mommy track’ following pregnancy?
Being placed on the “mommy track” at work following your first pregnancy where you were given fewer job opportunities or are passed up for a promotion can be demeaning and may seem incredibly unfair especially if you are committed to your job. Sometimes, being...
Who is entitled to overtime pay in California and who is not?
No one is perfect. Sometimes we make honest mistakes. For example, a small business owner in Southern California may make their best efforts to pay their workers fairly, but a mistake was made regarding overtime payments and now they are facing a lawsuit brought by an...
Understanding age discrimination in the workplace
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects workers against age discrimination who are age 40 or older. Age discrimination is against the law in any aspect of employment. This includes hiring, firing, promotions, job assignments, training, benefits and...
Wrongful termination claims
When an employee is terminated, it can affect him or her financially and leave them wondering what to do next. Wrongful termination may happen more often than employees realize. Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is severed from his or her employment for an...